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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Underwear Alert!

So, I was running in a cross country meet yesterday and people started laughing at me and asked me why my underwear was sticking out!!!!!!! But, it was not my underwear...it was my pump pack and I was embarrassed!!!!!!!!!! Now really, does this look like underwear to you?

Write back if you are a diabetic and this ever happened to you or something similar.

By the way...I was second in my school! The girl behind me beat me by a second!


  1. Proud of you for a great run and personal best time! Way to go little one : )

  2. Hi Jenny it's Kaleigh. Good job on the marathon! It's so cool that you have your own blog. It must have taken a lot of work to make this. One day at lunch somebody said, "I thought you can't eat candy?" That was like the millionth time I had heard that. It was so frustrating. Talk to you later.
