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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Best Friends

My best friend and I go thru a lot together. She is my cousin.  She has a peanut allergy and has severe asthma! In a way, we get what each other go through. I mean if I want to eat something and someone throws away the carb count, I would have to go thru the trash and find it! If she wanted something to eat and she did not know if it had peanuts in it she would need to go thru the trash to see if it has peanuts in it! When she sleeps over my mom and dad have to give her nebulizer treatments and check my blood sugar in the middle of the night! She is so special to me because in a way she understands what I go through. 


  1. I'm so glad you and Maggie have each other. And thankful for some of your other really special friends like Kaleigh, TT, Casey, Katie..and of course, number one of all, Sam.

  2. Nothing like family, huh Jenny? Especially when they become best friends!!!
