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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Number Schlumber….

Today my mom was changing my basal rates in my pump. She asked me “So, what’s your number, Cucumber?”… which means look for my blood sugar number on my pump/CGM. I started fishing around my pump pack for my pump….that she was holding in her hands!!

Tonight is set changing night. BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Needles Schmeedles….

Island of the Blue Dolphins

I finished my book today when I got home from school. It was an amazing book! I think anybody that likes nature, animals and adventure (and horror) would like this book! It is called Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. It’s about a girl that gets left on an island to save her brother and her brother ends up dying so she has to live on her own for a very long time. She ends up having company from a lot of animals that become her friends. In a way she’s like me. She likes to build stuff and catch stuff and she’s very responsible too so…I guess we’re related! It’s an actual true haunting story about a real Indian girl that got left on an island by herself for 18 years. I won’t tell you the rest in case you want to read it.
                                                                   Happy reading!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tree Time!

When I got home from school I ran outside and climbed my favorite tree. I stayed up there for about an hour. I love my tree cuz I can just sit there and relax. I can watch the cars go by and no one knows I am there! When I was in there my three dogs saw me and started jumping up the tree to get to me but they couldn’t! When my mom heard she thought something was wrong (a.k.a. she thought I was low). I told her I was fine but she couldn’t see me! She asked where I was so I told her! And of course, she took this picture of me ~
I learned something new! I found where the sap is held and it was sticky!! I got it all in my hair and all over my hands. When I got inside I started washing my hands like crazy so if I had a finger stick it wouldn’t affect my blood sugar number. The regular soap didn’t work so my mom gave me something else…which worked after like 4x’s!!!!!! And then…I had to tackle my hair! O-U-C-H!!  Don’t care…still love my tree!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


So, I was playing with my friend yesterday when I felt super low. I told her to go get my mom, and fast!!!!!! But by the time she got there and checked my blood sugar I was 36! I did not feel well...

And today before my soccer game I was 43! WOW! But the thing is every time I treat I go thru the roof skyrocketing high! How mixed up am I! Lucky for me the first half coach asked me if I wanted to play goalie. Low blood sugar + not much running around = good to be goalie. Second half, Gatorade still didn’t kick in. Coach asked me if I wanted to still be goalie. Good thing (besides, I love being goalie). After the game, Gatorade kicked in…ughh…sky high

But we played well and had fun and .... I had some really nice saves!

Best Friends

My best friend and I go thru a lot together. She is my cousin.  She has a peanut allergy and has severe asthma! In a way, we get what each other go through. I mean if I want to eat something and someone throws away the carb count, I would have to go thru the trash and find it! If she wanted something to eat and she did not know if it had peanuts in it she would need to go thru the trash to see if it has peanuts in it! When she sleeps over my mom and dad have to give her nebulizer treatments and check my blood sugar in the middle of the night! She is so special to me because in a way she understands what I go through.