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Saturday, November 5, 2011


So, I was playing with my friend yesterday when I felt super low. I told her to go get my mom, and fast!!!!!! But by the time she got there and checked my blood sugar I was 36! I did not feel well...

And today before my soccer game I was 43! WOW! But the thing is every time I treat I go thru the roof skyrocketing high! How mixed up am I! Lucky for me the first half coach asked me if I wanted to play goalie. Low blood sugar + not much running around = good to be goalie. Second half, Gatorade still didn’t kick in. Coach asked me if I wanted to still be goalie. Good thing (besides, I love being goalie). After the game, Gatorade kicked in…ughh…sky high

But we played well and had fun and .... I had some really nice saves!


  1. You did have some incredible saves little one...way to go! xoxo

  2. Word of the day request ...explain what CGM stands for.

  3. omg that happens to me all the time. i hate it when i go low and feel sick! -Kaleigh
